Exhausted Millennial Rituals

As part of our self-care work, we are building communal mindfulness celebrations designed for aspects of shared humanity that can be celebrated and worked through together. Each of these rituals will offer meditations and practices that can be woven into any party, and promise a unique and meaningful experience for you and your loved ones.


New Year’s Eve Rituals


Not-A-Wedding Celebration of Individual Wholeness

This ritual is designed to be a communal recognition that each of us, as imperfect humans living a world with diverse sensations, are whole as is and can honor ourselves as the precious humans with dignity that we already are. The ceremony consists of four meditations spread throughout a party, and ends with a ritual designed by the host. Throughout the meditations, guests are encouraged to:

  1. Explore their range of sensations, and recognize that everything happening in their body belongs.

  2. Consider what warm regard feels like, and explore to what extent they view themselves with warm regard.

  3. Identify key negative core beliefs, rooted in shame or fear, that may block that warm regard or prevent self-actualization.

  4. Craft vows to themselves to honor their core values.

  5. Integrate the experience in a ritual, promising to honor their inherent worth and consistently show up for themselves.