Self-Talk for Bad Days

Our self-talk for bad days series is designed to gift kind language for sitting with and processing challenging feelings and situations. 2020 and 2021 have been hard years for all of us. Because many things have been unavailable (travel, dining, shows), we haven’t been able to paper over these hardships with positive experiences or to distract ourselves - and instead have had to sit with them. These cards are a small effort to put out a language of kindly relating to ourselves as we face hardship.

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Devin Scott

Our good wishes 2021 cards aimed to capture the two-sided experience of simultaneous joy and sorry that we’ve been living through during pandemic with a touch of our cynical humor. Life is always a matter of perspective, and every story can be told more than one way. Life has no absolutes - and times like this require a bit of humility and humor as we try to figure out how to manage our relationship with the world. Live your life, your way.

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Devin Scott

We're excited to share our 2021 Pride month project: "Things You May Need to Hear" - a series of cards to let the people you love know that you are unconditionally there for them.

We know it's exhausting to not feel fully accepted, especially by those closest to us. We hope you can find space to shush the haters this month -- and BE PROUD!!

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Devin Scott

The Deck of Care is our first for-sale product, and it’s live on Kickstarter now. It’s an easy reference for free, achievable self-care activities that is built into a standard deck playing cards. Covering 52 self-care activities from 13 evidence backed approaches, each card distills down a core wellness skill to its basics. Full of personal, strange illustrations, the deck is a perfect companion for people of any age building out their wellness toolkit.

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Devin Scott

Heading into the 2020 US election, we decided to do our small part to encourage people to vote. We decided to create a non-partisan campaign that focused on all the good we can accomplish by consistently holding our government accountable. Each graphic touches on real life struggles with a touch of Exhausted Millennial style.

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Devin Scott

As Exhausted Millennials, it can be hard to find the motivation to keep working, keep being kind, or keep trying to better ourselves. Especially in this time, it can feel a bit pointless to care or make efforts — and giving up can be tempting and even feel good.

It was from this struggle that we began designing our second project: illustrations for personal motivation. Each card has a personal mantra or affirmation with cute animals to make you feel good. We hope that these might brighten your day and help you to invest in yourself.

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Devin Scott

As we entered our fourth month of social isolation, uncomfortable masks, and endless Zoom meetings . . . we realized that we needed to do something to break our haze. Enter: Greeting Cards for the Exhausted. We set ourselves off to the task of creating and writing greeting cards to remind our friends that they aren’t alone in this hellscape.

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Devin Scott