New Year’s Eve Rituals

These two mindful rituals are supportive exercises to help you create goals for the New Year. They go beyond the typical “lose weight” or “get rich” resolutions we write every year but don’t fill. These are about how you want to feel next year - and how you want to relate to yourself.


Ritual #1: Dream Setting

The first exercise is about how you want to feel next year - and how you’ll get there. Instead of creating goals based on what you want to accomplish in the next year, you’ll create goals based on how you want to show up a year from now.


Ritual #2: Identity Shedding

The second exercise is about shedding a negative identity that is standing in the way of those goals. We all hold a shame core - a set of negative core beliefs that keeps us stuck in our default way of being. You’ll look critically at one of those negative identities - and begin to think of a new way to hold it in your life.