Christin and Devin living their best trash people lives.
Exhausted Millennial is a creative collaborative between two old friends - Devin and Christin. We met at Drexel University when we were Resident Assistants together, and continued a best-trash-human friendship into our 30s.
In the summer of 2020, we started a letter-writing project in which we wrote one card a day to a loved one. We worked together to make a set of greeting cards for the project and enjoyed it so much that we just kept making things together. Our brand aims to make things that make existing in this tough world a bit easier - while not taking ourselves too seriously. More than that, we hope to have fun every step of the way.
Are you an exhausted millennial who needs an outlet as you try to make better decisions than the societal defaults? Send us a message with an idea you have for what you’d like to write.
Full disclosure up front - this site is a hobby as of now, so we can’t pay. But we welcome new voices.