Exercise has a broad range of demonstrated benefits: more energy, better cognitive performance, enhanced creativity, fewer health conditions, improved mood, and a reduction in negative feelings like depression and stress. Staying physically active to the extent our bodies allow is an important part of maintaining overall wellness. The Eights introduce you to four broad categories of exercise - cardio, strength, flexibility, and balance - that together provide a well-rounded physical-caretaking of your body. With all forms of exercise, start slow and small, and build your way up to more intense exercise. Listen to your body and take rest when your body needs it. Explore online resources like YouTube to find lessons as good form is important for injury prevention.


Eight of Clubs - Cardio


The Eight of Clubs encourages you to engage in cardiovascular exercise - which is anything that speeds up your heart rate and breathing. This includes walking, dancing, running, bicycling, rowing, swimming, and many exercise classes. Cardio exercise can improve your blood pressure and heart rate, and help to make sure that adequate oxygen is flowing to your muscles to keep your body running smoothly. Cardio has also been shown to boost moods and to ward off depression.


Eight of Spades - Strength


The Eight of Spades encourages you to do strength training - which is anything that makes your muscles stronger. This can include weight training, resistance band training, body-weight training, or jump training (to name some). Strength training can reduce back pain, improve joint function, increase bone density, reduce your risk of injury, and increase your metabolism. Form is important for strength training so explore online resources and video tutorials when getting started.


Eight of Diamonds - Flexibility

The Eight of Diamonds encourages you to stretch. Flexibility training makes muscles longer and more flexible - which improves your range of motion and reduces the risk of injury. Flexibility can also help to reduce cramp pain and existing muscle soreness and can be helpful for somatic processing. Be careful not to overstretch (to the point of pain) because that will tighten your muscles and can be counterproductive.


Eight of Hearts - Balance


The Eight of Hearts encourages you to engage in balance exercises - which helps you stand more sturdily and can prevent falls. Many mindful movement exercises (like yoga or tai chi) incorporate balance exercises but you can also work on balance by just standing on one leg, walking on uneven ground, or just standing up from a seated position.


Final Thoughts

The Eights make no effort to prescribe a certain type of exercise like running, weights, or yoga. Everyone’s body is different and we all will enjoy different types of physical activity. Like with the entire deck, stay curious and try to find what feels right for you. Bear in mind that many forms of exercise naturally incorporate all four types of fitness, and you may find that a single type of exercise program that you like will give you a well-rounded exercise experience.

Devin Scott