Cadiz Feels like a Tiny, Coastal Sevilla

A Quiet BAY Exploration of Andalusia

My roommate grew up in the Sevilla area and recommended Cadiz as one of his favorite cities in Andalusia. It’s a charming, small beach escape that offers all the architectural charms of an Andalusian city without the crowds - alongside some of the calmest, cleanest urban beaches in Europe.

While Cadiz is one of Europe’s longest inhabited cities, the ancient history isn’t well preserved. Most visitors instead come for the beach and atmospheric old town.


Stroll Through Old Town Cadiz

Old Town Cadiz (Barrios des Populo, Vino and Centro) offers narrow, winding streets split by many sprawling plazas. Architecturally, it made me think of parts of Sevilla without the hustle and chaos of a larger city. Some of the main sights are the Plaza de San Juan de Dios, Catedral de Cadiz (the New Cathedral), Plaza de Espana, and Plaza de Mina.

The Old Town is charming more for its general atmosphere than for any given sight or piece of architecture. My best advice is to just wander - but to make sure to stop by the square with the New Cathedral along your way.


Explore La Caleta

La Caleta is the most important historical beach in Cadiz as it has been continuously moored for over 2,000 years. The beach itself is nice but it’s more commonly visited for its viewing points. Castillo de San Sebastián to the south offers a long walkway with beautiful views back of Cadiz, and Castillo de Santa Cantalina to the north offers outlooks onto the beach.

It’s a lovely area for a seaside stroll. Just be prepared for some wind.


Other Things to Do

Cadiz is a pretty small city, so if you’re there for a couple of days you’ll likely to be able to do most things recommended to tourists. Below are a couple of options to add to your itinerary, some of which are already nearby the two main attractions above.

  • Learn about the City’s History: To learn about Malaga’s less recent history, head to the Cadiz Roman theater or to Yacimiento Arqueologico Gadir.

  • Eat at a Market: Grab local produce from the Mercado Central Cadiz.

  • Relax in a Park: Just above La Caleta, Parque Genoves offers a small, well-maintained urban garden to enjoy some greenery. I really enjoyed its fountain of two children holding an umbrella.

  • Sunbathe at the Beach: Beyond la Caleta, Cadiz offers other beaches as well, including Playa de Santa Maria and Playa de la Victoria (which is often rated as Europe’s top urban beach).

Cadiz is atmospherically charming and I can’t imagine a tourist regretting not being able to hit any specific sight in the city. I’d focus on taking your time and enjoying the city’s charm - stopping and taking in a view whenever the mood strikes - over trying to hit as many sites as possible.

Devin ScottEurope