Exhausted Millennial

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The Deck of Care is our first for-sale product, and it’s available today on Etsy, Amazon US, and Amazon Canada. We originally launched the deck on Kickstarter, and it was funded within 36 hours. It’s an easy reference for free, achievable self-care activities that is built into a standard deck playing cards. Covering 52 self-care activities from 13 evidence backed approaches, each card distills down a core wellness skill to its basics. Full of personal, strange illustrations, the deck is a perfect companion for people of any age building out their wellness toolkit.

This project was inspired during the pandemic. We saw friends and loved ones begin to really struggle with their mental health, and they didn't have the resources to take care of themselves. We wanted to make something fun and accessible to help everyone invest in their wellness.

This deck was a labor of love for both of us - a celebration of our long self-care journeys. We've spent a lot of time in self-help book sections, in therapy, and in group programming. We know that there is no Ted Talk one-size-fits-all solution to wellness, and that self-care requires a broad toolkit of skills. In building out the deck, we tried to bring in a broad range of skills - and consulted with experts to keep the activities evidence-backed.

Like all our projects, the graphics are FREE to download for your personal use. We only ask that you include our logo when printing, and tag us on social media!