Exhausted Millennial

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Don’t Expect Romance in Casablanca

Casablanca is Morocco’s largest city and financial center - made famous by the classic movie set in and named after it. Modern Casablanca can either feel like a dense, rich Florida suburb or a den of urban poverty - depending on which section you’re walking through. While the city can ring of promise, it often fails to deliver: its long Oceanside promenade is riddled with derelict resorts, its souk has such rough infrastructure that it feels bleak and depressing, and the well-maintained wealthy sections lack charm or character.

My best advice is to skip Casablanca on your trip to Morocco. If you can’t (because you have a flight into or out of the city), I recommend going to it’s mosque - the Hassan II Mosque - which is the largest in Africa. Set along the Atlantic Ocean, the mosque is a remarkable feat of modern architecture - and the districts surrounding it are the most enjoyable of the city.

Beyond that, you can enjoy a nice dinner and head to a mall. Or - enjoy a day off and watch a few movies in your room.

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